Saturday, February 09, 2008

Global Warming

Boston is having one of it's snowiest seasons in recent records. By now, most of us are pretty tired of cold feet and wet gloves, but one advantage I have discovered is that it's been too cold for the Greenpeace acolytes to stand around Central Square and harass me about global warming.

I got into an argument with one once, and during the course of it I mentioned how just 30 years ago the big climate crisis was global cooling. He informed me that global cooling was a part of global warming and that "it's like Robert Frost poem, Fire and Ice, you know?"

I blinked at him a couple times, because, not being a poetry buff, I didn't know. I then countered that it seems silly to claim that the world heating up would simultaneously cause it to cool down.

He then asked me if I saw Al Gore's new movie.

"You mean his glorified power point presentation? Why yes, I had."

Not only have I seen An Inconvenient Truth, but nearly ten years before I read Gore's book, Earth in Balance.

I didn't want to, but my mom made me because she thinks silly things like "knowing both sides of a debate" is important.

I wasn't convinced, particularly when I noticed that his graphs showed that carbon levels rose after temperatures rose. This was so contrary to what he was claiming that I even showed the graph to my mom to make sure I was reading it right.

So imagine my delight stumbling across this John Stossel report on Gore's latest creation.

I just wish I knew about this when I was debating with Greenpeace. After all, if I can watch An Inconvenient Truth, surely he could spare eight minutes and watch a video.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

Hey Meg!

I guess I picked a good year to move to Germany. We haven't had more than a flurry since I got here. (:

...And I can get away with one extra layer of clothing while walking home. (A nice jacket over my t-shirt.) It's slightly warmer than freezing outside, and I'm just a little cold, but it's bearable, and I can get away it -- that's the important part. (;

Hope Boston becomes more bearable weather-wise, and soon!