Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Pats vs. The Colts

Tonight's game with the Patriots and the Colts is creating quite a buzz around here. Now, I'm not much of a football fan, but even I plan to tune in tonight for two very good reasons: Tom Brady and Payton Manning. The NFL has been hyping the clash of these two quarterback titans, and I thought I'd add my two cents based on my unique qualifications as a girl.

This is Tom Brady. Now, Tom is an all around good-looking guy. So good-looking, in fact, that even men will admit that he's attractive. Now if there's one thing I can say about football, it is that it, er, accentuates most men's physical attributes in a postive way.

However, Tom does come off across like a total player, meaning that as fun as he is to watch on T.V., he definately isn't relationship material. But since my only contact with him will be through television, I can work around that.

Now, here's a boy I would be more than happy to take home to Mama.

Payton Manning may not be move-star hot, but he is the essence of cutie-patootie! Payton exudes good old fashioned southern charm with a great sense of humor. Plus, he's sweet to his mama, and you know what they say: boys who are good to their mamas are good to their wives. Not that that really matters either, because once again, this is strictly a one-sided relationship.

I can't really think of anything negative to say about Payton. I'd really like to believe he's a wholesome as he appears, but my cynical side says he's probably just as big a player as Tom Brady, he just doesn't dress as sexy. But he has great commercials!

I'm sure there are some points I've missed about both men, like their abilities as players, but I think my analysis pretty much sums up what's most important. So who do I want to win in the big game? Who cares? When it comes to attractive football stars, both are winners in my book.

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