Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fat Cat

I have a lovable kitty named Austin, who BMI is probably around 100. This isn't a problem for me, since I see who he is on the inside and love him for who is he. Plus, I think fat cats are freaking adorable.

Unfortunately, my vet doesn't share my views, and every year I have to receive a lecture on how my cat is morbidly obese and I'm not doing enough to help him lose weight.

In my defense, I have put in the minimum effort. I changed his food to a formula with a lower fat content, but that's about it. I have another, skinny kitty, a dog, a baby, a job, and a house to maintain, so my cat's weight issues aren't exactly on the top of my priority list.

Besides, I really think Austin should take some responsibility for his weight-loss. If all he wants to do is lay in the patch of dirt that is currently my backyard, what can I do about it? The last I heard, people tend to look down on strapping cats to treadmills, so if he doesn't want to exercise, I can't make him.

I just got a postcard from my vet reminding me that it's time to take the kitties in to a checkup. I'm already starting to stress out because I don't want to be guilted about Austin again, and I'm sure he's fatter than last time, so I can't even use the excuse that I'm working on it.

Maybe I should just say, "Look, I'm trying to lose my excess fat, let me get that taken care of and I'll get back to you on the cat. How about that?"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gardening FAIL

I dream of having a garden - a lush outdoor oasis with bright flowers, towering fronds, maybe even an ornamental pear tree gracing me with luscious fruit. I'd like a vegetable garden too, overflowing with such an abundance that I am constantly giving away fruits and vegetables until my neighbors say, "Enough, Meghan! We can't take any more of your bounty."

Unfortunately for me and my bounty, I really stink at gardening.

I've tried starting off small, first with house plants. Over and over again, I've prided myself on keeping a plant alive, only to have it die in my arms, gasping it's last breath as I cry, "Why, why?"

My first triumph was keeping an ivy alive for over a year. Ivies are supposed to be hearty plants, but then one day it started becoming sickly, so naturally I upped it's water intake. Then it started dying faster, so I decreased it's water intake. Apparently, decreased it to the point of drought, and it turned into dust and blew away.

My second triumph was keeping alive a potted palm Taylor bought me for Christmas two years ago. It lasted one year, and then got infected with red mites and started spitting out sap all over my floors and walls. I tried everything to get rid of the mites, but all I got was a sadder palm and a sticker floors. Finally, I decided to put the palm out of it's misery by letting it be euthanised by the winter elements.

Red mites also attacked my peace lilly, given to me as a house warming present, and grubs killed off my dollar tree.

Nevertheless, I decided to press on and start an herb garden, in a pot, where I could keep a close eye on it, once I got growing herb under my belt, could start a more ambitious outdoor garden. My first attempt to grow seeds I germinated them in egg cartons so I could transfer them when they were bigger, only to have the soil dry out and the seeds shriveled. My second attempted ended when I left the pot outdoors too long and an unanticipated frost killed my seedlings. My 3rd go was not a charm, because even as my seedling grew, they are now under attacked by little flies, who even as we speak are laying their grubby little eggs and eating my roots. I tried to get rid of them by spraying some vinegar and water on the plants. This succeeded only in causing the plants to whither - the flies seems to be as active as ever.

I'm quite discouraged, and an considering giving up and only planting silk flowers in my front yard. At least they'll never leave me.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Company Logos

I designed some logos for the company I'm working for, Winthrop Square Real Estate Group. They mentioned wanting to become eventually known as just "Winthrop Group" so I designed the logos around that. They haven't actually chosen one yet, but I hope they might like one!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Caleb Pictures

Caleb in his new bouncer.

Chilling on the couch.

Wearing a silly hat.

Playing in the snow - in a manner of speaking.

Sleeping through the Night

We put Caleb in his crib in his own room for the first time. Ever since we got back from vacation, we've had trouble getting him to sleep through the night, but we hoped that with a dark room and less noise from us, he'd at least make it until 4:00 a.m.

He stuck to his normal schedule, waking up every couple hours. I had the extra trouble of nursing him in the rocking chair instead of laying him next to me in bed.

It was miserable. At four in the morning I'm sitting in the chair, rocking him and crying, wondering why he won't sleep, begging him to go back to sleep, and feeling like a terrible, terrible mother. Parenting at night is so much harder than during the day. Sitting there in the darkness and the silence I'm faced with my ugliest side - the resentment, the frustration, the impatience. Everything that is the opposite of what my child needs from me. He finally quiets enough to where I feel safe enough to put him down in his crib.

I crawl back into bed, where Taylor is there, softly comforting me, telling me I'm a good mommy, how I try so hard and Caleb is so lucky. But in the moment I don't feel like he's lucky. Surely there was someone more loving, more patient, that could handle all-nighters with grace and serenity.

Taylor holds me until he falls asleep, while I lay awake worry about the baby, wondering if he was too warm under all his blankets, wondering if I should go in an check on him, maybe remove a layer because SIDS can be caused by being overheated. I tell myself he's fine, to go to sleep, but the nagging voice won't go away.

I creep into Caleb's room, and look down at his sleeping form. I take off the extra blanket and place my hand on his tummy, feeling it's rhythmic movement, up, down, up, down. I stroke his cheek and whisper, "I love you." I know he's going to be fine.

Back to bed again. Taylor woke to my movement and knew that I went to check on the baby. "I told you you were a good mother," he whispers to me.

Later, the baby cries again, another feeding, back to bed. We wake on final time to daylight. Taylor goes to work, and I lay in bed with the baby. We're both smiling at each other. That's the beauty of the morning. A new beginning, a new chance to start over, and another day to prepare for the night.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Best Decade Ever

I don't know whether 2000-2009 is considered an official decade, but it feels like it and for the purpose of this post I'm going to go with it.

I was talking with Taylor how this will probably be the most significant decade of my life, considering how many major life events were clumped into these past ten years.

A few weeks before 2000, I turned 16, and with typical adolescent arrogance was
convinced that I reached the perfect
age in which the contend with the coming Armageddon, Y2K. Thankfully, the world didn't shut down and the only blow back from Y2K we experienced was eating through Mom's stockpile of canned goods.

That year I got my first boyfriend and my driver's license.

In 2002 I graduated high school and started college, where I met my future husband my first week.

In 2004 I got engaged and spent the whole year planning my
wedding. I also spent the summer living with my best friend's parents, Delores and Kerbe Lee, while I interned at a newspaper in
Columbia, Tenn.

In 2005 I graduated college, got married, and moved into my first apartment, becoming a fully independent adult.

In 2006 Taylor and I moved to Quincy, Mass. where we lived in an underground shoebox also
known as a "ground-level studio."

In 2007 we upgraded to a 3rd story apartment in a 3-family minutes from the ocean and got our first dog, Morgan.

In 2008 we bought our first house and have spent most of our
spare time and money fixing it up since.

In 2009 we had out first baby, Clifton Caleb Plott, and nothing's been the same since!

I don't know what the next decade will bring, but it will be hard to top this one.