Saturday, July 05, 2008


I just finished reading my lastet issue of World Magazine. This was their "2008 Books" issue, which, after their "Year in Review," is my favorite.

I like seeing all the new books coming out. It always boggles my mind how many people are writing down stories and actually getting them published! This has been a semi-secret dream of my for years.

It's also a dream that I secretly think will never be actualized, because I'm incapable of finishing any story that I start. I think the problem is 1. I have a short attention span, and 2. I'm overly critical of my first drafts, mainly because they're pretty terrible.

And yet, pretty terrible books are published all the time. My personal theory is people with personalities that enable them to complete projects aren't always the most creative storytellers. I see the opposite in the webcomic world. I'll find a really great story that has drawn me in completely, only to despair as it slowly disappears from lack of updates.

But when you can combine the driven with the creative, something really great can emerge. A story that wraps itself around you and make you a little different for having had read it.

So how do you do it?

1 comment:

Chris said...

Wish I knew.