Friday, August 01, 2008

It is finished!

Taylor's dad came to town on Wednesday, and that provided the push we need to finally get our last bedroom painted, as well as do some touch up in the upstairs bath.

If you remember, the upstairs tub was a pink nightmare. Taylor spent four hours last week sanding, priming, and painting with a special tub paint. It's now a brilliant and clean looking white, a vast improvement.

For my part, I painted the wood trim, the vanity, and the medicine cabinet. While I like the beige paint we chose, it blended too closely with the wood trim. Now it feels stylish but casual, and I'm really pleased with how it came out.

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Finally, the guest bedroom has been painted a sunny yellow. The trim we used isn't really doing it for me - it's far too creamy and doesn't jump out enough, but frankly, I don't really care right now.
I'll repaint the trim eventually, probably in ten years when we plan to sell. In the meantime it's such a relief to be done with the inside. Now we just have to finish unpacking!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Awesome! I especially like how clean the floor is in the new bedroom. :D