Friday, June 29, 2007

Free Love and Marriage

What a shocker that some of these women find a life of free-loving promuscuity "empty." Perhaps arranged marriages are the solution. Or not. My mother and I can't agree on clothing choices, and as my middle-school romances demonstrate, she often felt more empathy for the guys I rejected than me.

"Now Meghan," she'd say, "he's a nice boy. Don't crush his spirits."
My dad disagreed. "Crush his spirits, girl! Crush 'em!"

She'd probably set me up with a guy because she felt sorry for him. Although, if my parents had been serious about arranging my marriage with the handsome Lt. Caleb Cage, son of their close friends, I might have gone for it.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Harry Potter: No longer fun?

I wanted to select an entertaining book to read at the laundromat, so I went to my bookcase and immediately my eyes were drawn to my colorful Harry Potter series (all in paperback, except for the last one, which was given to me by my mother-in-law. It broke the conformity, but I'm never one to turn down a free $30.00 book). I thought about reading The Half-Blood Prince, after all, Book Seven is coming out next month, it would be good to be prepared. But I knew finishing it would be a commitment, and I wasn't sure I wanted to relive Dumbledore's death again. So down to Book Five, but no, it's even longer, and Sirius dies in that. Book Four, the longest of all, and Cedric dies, which no one really cared about, but still depressing. Book Three has always been my favorite, but I've read it a bunch of times, Book Two is the silliest of all the plot lines and my least favorite, and Book One is just a little boring, I haven't read it in five years. What was I to do? I had to read something at the laundromat, otherwise some greasy weird guy might try to talk to me. I scanned the books again, weighing the pros and cons of each.

In the end, I grabbed First Rider's Call and went on my way.

Harry Potter Theme Park


Another Pic

The Ghostly Bride. The portrait is her back in life. She's supposed to have whithered away in an attic, so I tried to make her skinny and angular. I've never been very good at drawing flowing dresses, but I'm fairly happy with how it came out. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yet another amusing liberal how-to

I'm going to stereotype here, but this seems like typical liberal drivel. It's interesting to see how the other side sees me. And I find it down right amusing how this article completely confirms what I believe about most of them. Aw well, at least we agree we can still be friends (after the author has done his best to belittle me, of course).

Summer Shopping

I am not a fan of the new summer fashions. Perhaps the designers were watching
too many Jane Austen movies, because every single top and dress are the empire-waist style that only look good on skinny models, and just barely at that. When something doesn't look that great on the model who's supposed to be selling you shallow dreams of trendiness, you know something has gone horribly wrong.

This may surprise you, but I, Meghan, am not a skinny model, so my dressing room experience was especially bad. I am convinced that dressing room mirrors are designed to give you the worst naked-body image possible so you'll hurry up and put on clothes to cover yourself up. Unfortunately, all the clothes I tried on managed to make me look worse than naked.

The problem is that I have no discernible torso. My rib cage practically meets with my pelvis. So the last thing I need is an outfit that says "Waist-lines are for losers, lets hide your shape!"

I know that fashion runs in cycles, so if I'm patient enough all the empire waist tops, skinny jeans, and tight leggings will soon be gone and I can start enjoying shopping again in about 10 years. Unless some crazy fashion designer decides to bring back hoops skirts. They make my hips look big.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Haunted Mansion Fanart

My friend Chris is writing a musical based on the Disney ride "the Haunted Mansion." It's much like the movie, except it has a plot, people dance and sing, and it doesn't involve Eddie Murphy. I'd like to contribute, but since I have no skills when it comes to music, I content myself with drawing pictures. You can read Chris' musical here. And you should, it's very entertaining!

The female lead, Caroline, being attended to by ghosts. She is wearing shoes, rather than being a hoofed creature.

The male lead, Jamison, after discovering the Haunted Mansion is, indeed, haunted. Ghosts are rather harder to draw than I thought.

Taylor was my fashion consultant for Jamison, since he used to be a "happy goth/punk" himself. If you're wondering, Jamison is wearing checkered Vans. Taylor used to have a pair, and he's trying to convince me to let him get another.

More pics will come later when I feel like it! :)

My Cat

This creature, also know as my cat Healey, is normally a pleasant,
if vocal animal. He must have some Siamese in him, because he seems to think he can really communicate to us is he just talks long enough. While not the most desirable trait in a cat, he could be evil, so I guess I should be grateful. Except, for some reason, Healey decided the best time of day to share his thoughts is at four in the morning. This is by no means acceptable, but we haven't figured out how to make him stop. It's not a cute, inquisitive "mew" either, but a loud and long plaintive cry. Yet when Taylor and I managed to drag ourselves out of bed, we find out he's usually crying for nothing. He doesn't need food or water, he's not injured. No, he just wants to hang out with us. At four in the morning.

Our current battle plan is spraying him with a water bottle every time he cries in the middle of the night, but he's gotten to the point where he'll just take the punishment and carry on with his behavior. I don't know what to do. I'm getting very cranky from the interrupted sleep. I'm considering looking into voice-box removal, but I think that might be just a tad drastic at this time.

Taylor kindly pointed out to me this morning that this is what having a baby is going to be like, but I protested it would be different.

"How?" He asked.

I didn't have an answer.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The New Apartment

Some of you have asked, so here's an album with pics to my new apartment! Yay! Be sure to write nice things, like how much you admire my taste. :)

I'm back!

I've been without the Internet for nearly two weeks, which is such a shame because during that time I had so many droll observations that I wasn't able to post for your amusement. To make up for that, here is best news headline I've seen in days: "Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3."

Those of us who went to Harding know how evil squirrels can be.

And now, it seems that I have my very own evil squirrel living in the tree by my apartment. Look at those eyes! Evil!