Monday, June 18, 2007

Haunted Mansion Fanart

My friend Chris is writing a musical based on the Disney ride "the Haunted Mansion." It's much like the movie, except it has a plot, people dance and sing, and it doesn't involve Eddie Murphy. I'd like to contribute, but since I have no skills when it comes to music, I content myself with drawing pictures. You can read Chris' musical here. And you should, it's very entertaining!

The female lead, Caroline, being attended to by ghosts. She is wearing shoes, rather than being a hoofed creature.

The male lead, Jamison, after discovering the Haunted Mansion is, indeed, haunted. Ghosts are rather harder to draw than I thought.

Taylor was my fashion consultant for Jamison, since he used to be a "happy goth/punk" himself. If you're wondering, Jamison is wearing checkered Vans. Taylor used to have a pair, and he's trying to convince me to let him get another.

More pics will come later when I feel like it! :)

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