Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thoughts about what I need.

So yesterday I was turned down by the 3rd company I've with which I've interviewed. It was the same responses as the last two, "We really liked you, but found someone more qualified."

Oh, was a blow to my fragile ego this is! To think, somewhere, not just in the world, but in the South Shore of Massachusetts, there lives not one, but three people who are better than me in some capacity. I don't know how I'm going to handle this.

Of course, my Mom and Dad assured me (as I sniffled the bad news to them over the phone) that if those companies really knew me, they'd have hired me on the spot. This was the same assurance they gave me back in high school when I was the only girl without a date for Valentine's Day.

My best friend Krista then dropped by with some literal tea and sympathy, as I also happened to develop a nasty head cold yesterday and was in extra need of comfort.

I actually have an interview today with a company in Weymouth called Servpro, which does emergency restorations after flood and fire damage, etc. I have to admit I'm not feeling particular confident about this meeting given that my nose is red and dripping slightly, I'mb talkin lige dhis, and I'm slightly doped up on DayQuil. Is there a professional way to blow your nose during an interview?

"Excuse me, but I have to take this." Blows loudly into Kleenex.

The most difficult thing to deal with is not that I've been rejected three times, although that does sting. It's that I feel like my life is on hold right now. In a pay-to-play world, I feel like I can't do any of things I was to do. Plans to fix up the home, take a trip to Germany, start a family, are all being put off because we don't have the funds for it.

In the Bible, Jesus assures us that God cares for the sparrows, and we are worth so much more than birds! God knows what I need, and he will provide.

I have to ask myself, why is it that I don't need a job right now? Maybe the right one hasn't come up, or there's something else I'm supposed to be doing right now?

In the meantime, all I can do is keep believing, keep applying, and keep my eyes open for new possibilities.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if it makes you feel any better (which it probably won't). Rusty and I both have a job and still don't have the funds to fix up the kitchen and 1/2 bath, take a trip to Europe, or start a family. :-/

I hope you find a job soon. You will be in my thougts.