So, this Labor Day Taylor and I spent the day doing a quest in the lovely Faxton Park in Quincy. I was alway curious about the point of Labor Day. After all, it's name implies that we are celebrating labor, and yet the majority of working people get Labor Day off. So I looked it up on, and it turns out, there really is no point to Labor Day. So there you go.
Anyway, Taylor and I celebrated our break from Labor by going to Faxton Park and doing a "quest" created by a Girl Scout Troop like ten years ago. Now, the park changed a bit in ten years, so we had some difficulty navigating directions like "look for the dead tree" when the dead tree was gone. But we still succeeded, discovering all the clues and formed the cryptic message "STONE CAVE." I was really hoping to find a cave in the park, but alas, there was none. Anyway, for those of you who care, here are some pictures of our adventure.
Our first clue was to look out for the sea. This is a view of the Boston Harbor. I think. I'm still not very clear on my geography.
Our Quest was momentarily inturrupted when Taylor ran into this guy polishing his old antique car thing. He could tell you what it is, but I didn't really car. The owner was funny though. He drove all the way to Faxon Park for the mere purpose of polishing his car in the shade. In other words, he came all the way to Faxton Park to show it off to other car enthusiasts like my husband, who was suckered in like a lolipop in the mouth of a toddler.
A clue, a clue! Sit on the bench and try to look through the thick over-grown trees at a giant triangular rock!
The Giant Triangular Rock. Or Boulder. The Girl Scouts said rock, but I would have said boulder.
These are the boxes we had to fill with letter in order to decode the secrect message. Some of the letters were so difficult to find, I kept hoping these guys would show up to help us, but I guess they were too busy hanging out on Nick Jr.
I have more pictures, but Blogger is starting to freak out so I better let off. Anyway, Faxton Park is absolutely beautiful, and just another neat part of the city that's now my home.
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