Friday, April 06, 2007

This is Why I Don't Like Going to the Doctor

because they always tell you something you don't want to hear! I went in for a routine checkup, and they did some blood work. I just got the results back yesterday. I have high cholesterol! My total is 273 (the chart says abnormal). My good cholesterol is at 62, which is good, but my bad is at 195, which is very high. I feel so depressed. I'm too young to be having this sort of problem! High cholesterol is a problem my parents have, not me! Of course, the worst part is not the diagnoses, but the remedy. Basically, no good tasting food ever again.

They sent me a food chart to help my sort my food.
Good Food: Everything you don't like . Bad Food: Everything you do like. Simple, huh?

It doesn't help that aspartame gives me headaches, which means many of the so-called "fat-free" stuff is off limits too. Taylor's been trying to cheer me up by telling me how much healthier we'll be by "eating like adults" now. But I have to wonder, is giving up everything I love really worth my health? If I die of a heart attack eating a Boston Creme Doughnut, wouldn't it be worth it?

Okay, maybe not.

There's no fighting it anymore. I'm really going to have to make some changes, and now that I know I could have real health issues, it really become more real to me. Bummer. Now it's time for me to say my goodbyes.

Me:"Well, Butter, we had some good times together, but we're going to have to break it off."
Butter: "But why?"
Me: "You're just not good for me. I have to make some changes."
Butter: "You'll never have anything as good as me! Margarine can't satisfy you like I can!"
Me: "Why do you have to make this harder than it already is?"
Butter: ".... Can we still be friends?"
Me: "Maybe we can get together sometime next week. For breakfast. I'll bring Pancakes."


Chris said...

Low carb diets can reduce bad cholesterol in some people as well, and although not wonderfully fun, give you more delicious meaty options. Frankly, I'm always suspicious of secular "oughts" that always happen to correspond with things we like and don't like - it seems a little too puritanical to be true. Consider Colossians 2 - "such rules give the appearance of being holy" - in people's never ending quest to be justified without submitting to God, people come up with all kinds of rules that enforce discipline in areas that don't necessarily matter, allowing them to lord it over others. Legalism takes many forms, both within and without the church.

Remember, you can't make one hair on your head white or black. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you. (These things I need to remember more often myself, come to think of it...)

Taylor W said...

DON'T DIE MEGS!!!! It's been great being your friend and I'll miss you terribly when you're 6 feet under. I'm sorry it has to end like this.

Good luck at the Gates.

Chris said...

I think Taylor just went from bargaining to acceptance.