Monday, April 30, 2007

Grocery Shopping

Went grocery shopping with Jen yesterday. Like so many chores, buying groceries is always better when done with a friend. However, it seems that everytime I go to the store, I manage to grab the one cart that has a wheel problem. At first, it's barely noticible. Then, as you start packing more and more items into the cart, it becomes more and more unmanagable. Now, I know I have a flair for the dramatic, but I'm being very literal here when I say that I had to wrestle with that cart like it was a two-year-old kid. In other words, everywhere I wanted to go, the cart wouldn't go, and instead would veer off on it's own, usually bumping into people on the way. It's bad enough using all you weight to steer a cart away from an 80-year-old lady in an almost hopeless attempt to avoid knocking her over. It's worse doing this in front of an audience. But it's even more worse when a memeber of this audience is your good friend who was trying to nice by suggesting you go shopping together.
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Taylor W said...

Hey! Running into my wife with the cart is my job!

Chris said...

I had the curse once. When I was buying my current massive A/C unit at Target, I believe. It must be a communicable disease. The trick is to get someone to drink after you.

Chris said...

Oh, and you have to be real subtle about it, too, like, "Well, this first sip of Coke was delicious, but I'm suddenly not thristy anymore. How about you take the rest?"

Meg said...

Clever. I think it would be more effective, however, if our society didn't consider it a faux pas to drink after a complete stranger.