Saturday, April 28, 2007


Of all the horror creatures out there, I think the creepiest are zombies. It's not really the zombies themselves that are so horrifying, but what they represent. In every zombie movie I've seen, there's always a terrible sense of hopelessness. Will we survive the night or be eaten and turned into the very things we're fighting? And even if we survive, will life in a zombie-infested world be worth living?

Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that zombie movies are really just an excuse for us to watch people killing other people. It's okay that I blew this guy's head off, he was a zombie!

And yet, I can't stay away from the morbid genre. So, that being said, here's some fun zombie stuff I've found.

For your reading delight, an online comic I've been following entitled Last Blood.

And a clip from Sean of the Dead, which, if you haven't seen, you should. (Caution - There are some Swears in this Scene).


Chris said...

Flying vampires dual-wielding pistols? I think this comic crossed the line from cool to camp with that.

Meg said...

Well, I like it. Besides, what are you doing reading comics when you're supposed to working? Although I'm flattered you chose my website to procrastinate with.

Chris said...

Not procrastinating, only so much you can do when your paper's about done and your experiment is running. But yes, feel flattered :D

Meg said...

Yay for almost being done! Maybe you'll actually get to sleep tonight. ;)