Tuesday, March 31, 2009


100,000 secular Britons seek "de-baptism."

I understand this is purely symbolic on the part of the people wanting to be de-baptised, but why go to all the trouble to null a ceremony which you believe has no meaning or power behind it in the first place. After all, probably the best way to prove you're not a Christian is to just live like it.

It seems like the equivalent of me trying to undo my Phi Theta Ki membership from junior college. I supposed I could write to the organization and ask to be formally released, but I left junior college long ago and I don't think anyone still associates me with them.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Work is slow ...

So slow, in fact, that I'm getting flashbacks from my previous job, except that I was actually busy there. The parallels to my last job are more in the vein of "Wow, if we don't get anymore work we're going to be [large amount of money] short this month." The last time I heard that it was followed by, "And therefore, we can't afford to keep you anymore, Meghan."

Hopefully, it won't come to that, but work needs to put up soon. I have absolutely nothing to do. I even went to my boss and told him I needed a project. He looked around the office for a few minutes and said, "Well, there really isn't anything that I can think of." Coming from the man who just had me rearrange all our file drawers and supply closet, that's pretty bad.

There's nothing worse then trying to create work for yourself, because eventually you wind up doing stuff that didn't get done in the first place because it's a stupid waste of time. Right now I'm filling the time by entering business contact info from 10-year-old Rolodexes I found in the storage closet into our electronic address system. Half the companies listed don't even exist anymore. It is fun to see which companies did stand the test of time. If this new job ends up not working out, I'll have a list of companies with proven longevity I can apply to. I bet I'm totally qualified to work for Biff's Autobody in Brighton.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shopping with girlfriends is way better than shopping with husbands.

My buddy Krista invited me to spend the day shopping and getting in some much-needed girl time. Taylor and I are best friends, but there are some things for which men just aren't qualified, like commiserating about menstrual cramps, talking about husbands, and spending 5 hours in one day at Target and Khols.

One of the best things about shopping with Krista is that she doesn't mind meandering around a store and getting distracted by shiny displays. Taylor approaches shopping like a military raid: get in, grab the objective, and get out with minimal causalities. Krista and I on the other hand will peruse the whole store, and if we happen to get separated from each other, it's cool; we'll eventually meet up in the shoe department anyway.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Awakening

I love spring in Boston. After being couped up all winter, it feels like the whole city comes to life. The snows starts to melt and the grass is starts to turn green again, and more exciting is you see people again! Everyone wants to be outside as much as possible: kids play in the yards, pet owners walks their dogs, joggers are out in full force trying to melt away their winter reserves.

This is really when the New Year should start, because the warm weather introduces a whole new world of possibilities. Taylor and I are making plans to have friends over for cookouts and picnics at the beach and to just plan get out more. Exercise doesn't seem so bad anymore because I want to be out walking. My dog Morgan stops being a pain in the butt because she can run off her energy in the back yard without turning into a pupcicle.

It feels like my life is so full of promise right now, which will probably only last until July when the temperature will hit the upper 90's and I'll be hiding in my air-conditioned house. Until then, I'm going to revel in the fresh air and sunshine.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes Sir, that's my baby!

Taylor and I discovered that I was pregnant on February 14th, after I spend the previous couple days feeling sick to my stomach and strangely lethargic. We didn't really think I was pregnant at the time, but decided to "rule it out" just in case.

I've taken probably 50 pregnancy tests since we've been married, because being a little melodramatic I assumed any weird feeling in my body had to be pregnancy! After seeing that single pink line so many times, it was a little more than jaw-dropping to see two pinks lines. I even made Taylor come up to the bathroom to confirm.

"Yup," he said. "There's two pink lines. Hey wait, isn't this thing covered in pee?"

Thus began our voyage into parenthood.

I'm now about 11 weeks along. Taylor and I went to my OB yesterday and they performed a sonogram. We watched in awe as our baby danced like a marionette on the black screen. It made all the nausea, bloating, lack of sleep and weird facial hair of the past weeks worth it.

Being pregnant is like falling in love. First, you're going through your life like normal, then someone comes and they're all you can think about. You dream about them and your life together and you're terrified they might leave. You're scared and thrilled. You feel like you're going to throw up all the time.

Okay, well, maybe that last once is pretty much just pregnancy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Job

So I have been officially working at my new job for a fully month now. I don't like giving specifics of where I work via the Internet lest it come back to haunt me, especially since work usually provides tons of fodder for sarcastic commentary. Suffice it to say that I am currenty working as the receptionist/office assisant for a emergency restoration company.

I have mixed feelings about my employment. I'm not making as much as I used to, and my hours are pretty long. On the plus side, my commute is much shorter, since I'm no longer taking the train into Cambridge.

The biggest struggle I'm facing is that my job is pretty dull, especially in comparison with the fast-paced environment of my previous job. I do a lot of paperwork and filing and sitting for 8.5 hours a day.

It's frustrating, because I know this job was an answer to prayer. I need to work, and with unemployment the highest it's been in decades, I know I should be grateful.

A friend of mine recently quoted Brother Lawrence, a 17th century monk who worked in the kitchen of his monastery, "Nor is it needful that we should have great things to do. . . We can do little things for God; I turn the cake that is frying on the pan for love of him, and that done, if there is nothing else to call me, I prostrate myself in worship before him, who has given me grace to work; afterwards I rise happier than a king. It is enough for me to pick up but a straw from the ground for the love of God."

This message really got me thinking that my job is another avenue through which I can be serving God. Even during the most mundane tasks I'm given, I have an oppurtunity to show my love for God. Put in that light, it becomes a lot easier to bear.