Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Awakening

I love spring in Boston. After being couped up all winter, it feels like the whole city comes to life. The snows starts to melt and the grass is starts to turn green again, and more exciting is you see people again! Everyone wants to be outside as much as possible: kids play in the yards, pet owners walks their dogs, joggers are out in full force trying to melt away their winter reserves.

This is really when the New Year should start, because the warm weather introduces a whole new world of possibilities. Taylor and I are making plans to have friends over for cookouts and picnics at the beach and to just plan get out more. Exercise doesn't seem so bad anymore because I want to be out walking. My dog Morgan stops being a pain in the butt because she can run off her energy in the back yard without turning into a pupcicle.

It feels like my life is so full of promise right now, which will probably only last until July when the temperature will hit the upper 90's and I'll be hiding in my air-conditioned house. Until then, I'm going to revel in the fresh air and sunshine.


Chris said...

It's sunny true, but it's still 37 degrees outside...

Meg said...

Buzz killer. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow...that sounds about like winter here in LA. Heheh.