Sunday, March 11, 2007

Important Alert!

The Williams and I went to IKEA yesterday. (Since I know you're wondering, I purchased a spatula, a mountable display case, and a overhead lamp.) Taylor and Jen planned "to only pick up a few things" so they didn't get a shopping cart. Well, as so often happens at IKEA, a "few things" turned in twenty things they just had to have, and both Williams had arms full of merchandise. That's when Taylor decided to put a pair of glass candle holder in his pockets "for safe keeping" and then promptly forget about them. We made our purchases, and it wasn't until we sat in the car and heard the tell-tale sound of glass clinking together that we realized Taylor's criminal offense.

Taylor, being a man of integrity, told Jen that the next time she went to IKEA, she had to purchase an identical pair of candle holders and leave them behind, so it would make up for what Taylor took. Jen and I laughed, and said this was no doubt the beginning of a terrible crime spree. I asked Taylor if next time he would mind putting a Billy bookcase in his pocket for me - those are nice!

1 comment:

Taylor W said...

I'm on it. One Billy coming up.