Tuesday, March 20, 2007

UPDATED! Uh-oh, They're Trying to Convert Us Now!

Was perusing through wikihow this morning, reading How to Make a Sideways Room (new project!) and How to Walk Like a Diva (just in time for beach season), when I stumbled across this gem: How to Constructively Discuss Science with a Creationist . Naturally, "science" in this case is not the Theory of Relativity or the possibilities of building a space elevator, but the Theory of Evolution. Although, I think the former would be a much more amusing conversation.

"You ignorant Christian Seven-Day Creationist! How do you explain the Theory of Relativity?"
"Um, special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It was introduced in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". Special relativity is based on two postulates which are contradictory in classical mechanics:
  1. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another (Galileo's principle of relativity),
  2. The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion or of the motion of the source of the light." (Okay, I totally stole that from wikipedia.)
My favorite "tip" from the article is "Remember, the other person is defending their faithful hope of eternal life and earthly purpose; you're simply defending facts. Because of this, if you remain neutral and rational long enough, many fundamentalists will eventually allow their emotions and fears to take over, and will descend into progressively worse arguments."

Wow, thanks for destroying someone's "hope of eternal life" just so you can win a debate at a party. And they say we are intolerant.

I was going to link to a humorous article written on this topic by my friend of Chris of Narf's Cavern, but I couldn't find it. I'll have to ask him to dig through his archives to I can link to it and you can be impressed by how smart an Intelligent Design proponent can be.

Update: Here is the link I promised, courtesy of Chris.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You talking about this one? http://www.narfscavern.com/cfile/cfile158.php

Looking back over it, I still find it pretty amusing, although the objections from a materialist might be something along the lines of "But we KNOW who designed automobiles," thus completely lacking the ability to enter into a hypothetical situation. The overarching theory of life emerging by mutation and natural selection is ludicrous on the face of it, although it takes a bit of looking at it in a different light sometimes to realize this.